The Surge of First-Time Buyers: A Strong Bounce Back in 2024

This beautiful five-bedroom detached family home is nestled within a private gated community of just two properties 👀
Selling a property can be long, tricky, and expensive, which can be made more difficult if you have to go through the probate process. Whilst it can be tempting to get an empty property sold as quickly as possible, probate could scupper your plans. Read this article to discover the best way to handle a probate property.
You've found your dream home—but there's one catch: your current property isn’t sold yet. It’s a common situation for home buyers, and deciding how to proceed requires careful consideration. Should you make an offer before selling, or should you focus on getting your property on the market first? Here’s all you need to know to make the a decision.
Accepting an offer on your property is very exciting, but it is only the middle of the process. This article shares ways that you can ensure the legal process is smooth when there is a chain of connected properties so that you can be sure to get to moving day.